Monday, 1 April 2013

Happy April!

So we've brushed March under the carpet and welcomed April in with a lovely long weekend off. (Shame about the weather, eh!) 

Since launching my "Free photographs for 2013" promotion, I have worked with 5 bands, sung my heart out to We Were Lions and consumed 8 cans of Red Bull within 3 days...(I'm leaving the amount of alcohol out of this figure!) I am amazed that I am still standing and managed to go back to work today!

In March I managed to take some amazing photographs, some of which now find themselves in an album labeled "favourites". I have also gained some amazing feedback and recognition for my work, be it from the people in the photographs to their friends/family and fans of the band, I value every single opinion I receive! 

So far, April is looking to be the month of band portraits with a total of 4 shoots booked and only 1 gig. 

To see the photographs taken in March, click here!

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